Thursday, March 6, 2014

Creating scigrrrl

I struggled with the creation of my zine and who exactly I wanted scigrrrl to be: I wanted her to appeal to everyone and be relatable to all kinds of women (and interested men) out there despite differences in background. In order to do so, I thought of changing her image/look in each of the zines I create to represent that anyone can take on the identity of scigrrrl. I also thought of attributing the title of scigrrrl, not only to the image and myself, but also to my readers and women who I look up to in the field. In the process of making my second zine, I decided the latter may be the best way for me to go about making scigrrrl inclusive. 

In creating the image of scigrrrl particularly for my first zine, I had a lot in mind: I wanted her to look sciencey but also feminine to go against the most prominent image of women in science - reserved, masculine, dorky. With this being said, I also did not want her to look over feminine, or be wearing something you would NEVER see a women wear in a science/lab setting (so no intense make-up, open-toed heels, or over-the-top dress). 

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